Saturday, August 8, 2020

Adam and Eve (Havva) Story in Quran | Adam and Eve Origin

When Allah Created Eve

Allah (GOD) made Hazrat Adam Ali Salaam and then ordered that you go to the Exodus and stay after that Hazrat Adam started living in the Exodus, at the same time, Adam looked into the dream and thought that he had a companion, Life Partner. Meanwhile, Allah (GOD)  created Hazrat Eve (Havva) from the aspect of Adam Ali Salaam with his grace. When Adam woke up, saw a clean woman sitting near him, he was very happy, asked, "Who are you?"

Eve said that I am part of your body. Allah (GOD) has produced me with your ribs.

Adam and Eve in bible and Quran

Adam and Eve

It is said that Eve was very beautiful. Adam did not have a place of happiness.. Adam prostrated after finding Hazrat Eve (Havva).There was a marriage between Adam and Eve on the side of Allah (GOD) and the angels of the sky. Then after their marriage, both are ordered that both of you should go stay in Exodus. Do whatever you want to do, eat and drink, but do not go towards that wheat tree nor eat its fruit. After that Adam and Eve started living in Exodus.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Story of Prophet Adam Ali Salam in Quran | Adam origin story

Story of Adam

Ritualists state that when Allah (GOD) intended for his caliphate that I am going to build a Khalifa on the land and ordered Hazrat Israel to bring all kinds of red, white, and black soil and bring it under the command of Allah (GOD) Accordingly laid between Mecca and Taif.

Allah rained his mercy on that soil and prepared the effigy of Hazrat Adam Aleh Salaam (First Prophet of Islam) with the yeast of that soil, the effigy remained lifeless for 40 years, when Allah (GOD) desired the star of Hazrat Adam Aleh Salam to be illuminated and his child (human) status is elevated in the whole world, then the spirit is ordered to enter Adam's body, then when the soul enters from Adam's head, the place where the soul reaches, it turns into flesh and bone. Hazrat Adam intended to get up when life reached his chest, he fell down. Perhaps this is why in the Quran it is said that humans are very hasty. In the same condition, Hazrat Adam sneezed and said "Alhamdo lillah" (All praise to Allah).


Adam and Iblis

Subsequently, by the command of Allah (GOD), an Angel brought a suit decorated with exorcism and dressed Hazrat Adam and then placed him on a plank with respect.

At the time of the birth of Hazrat Adam Aleh Salam, the Angels used to say among themselves that the person whom Allah (GOD) will create with the title of Khaqat, will not be more strange than us near God and who we used to live in the court of Gab. Hey, we hope our Ilm will be more than that. Then Haq Tala learned the names of all things to Adam and then ordered the Angels to tell the names of these things if you are truthful, the Angels could not answer. The Angels, believing in their fault, said to Allah (GOD) that you are greater, we only know as much as you have taught, and who knows more than you?


Then Allah (GOD) equipped Adam with Zahiri and national feat and to increase his honor, command the Angels who stood in front of Adam to prostrate. All the Angels adorned Hazrat Adam, but the Devil refused and said that I am better than Adam, so that I was born with fire and Adam was born from the soil. The Devil was rebuked and cut off from the AngelsHazrat Adam Ali Salam started living in Bahisht.


Adam and Eve (Havva) Story in Quran | Adam and Eve Origin

When Allah Created Eve Allah (GOD)   made Hazrat Adam Ali Salaam and then ordered that you go to the Exodus and stay after that Hazrat Ada...